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Hong Kong residents covered in heat of the sun as temperatures rise to 37 degrees


As temperatures in Hong Kong rose to 37 degrees Celsius on May 30, 2023, pedestrians in Tsim Sha Tsui covered themselves from the heat of the sun. EDMOND TANG CHINA DAILY HONG KONG The Hong Kong Observatory warned the public to take extra precautions against the extremely hot weather around noon Tuesday as temperatures in parts of the city reached 37 degrees Celsius.

In a Very Hot Weather Warning issued at 11:45am on Monday, the HKO said the weather is extremely hot and the public should watch out for any heat stroke symptoms.

Under the influence of extremely hot weather and prolonged heat, members of the public should stay on the alert, drink more water and take all necessary protective measures against the heat to prevent discomforts caused by very hot weather, the HKO said.

HKO to issue a new warning as climate warms.

If symptoms such as dizziness, headache, nausea, shortness of breath or confusion develop, take rest and seek medical attention as quickly as possible, it said.

At about 1 p.m., the air temperature in Sheung Shui in the New Territories reached 37 degrees, followed by Tai Lung at 36.7 degrees and Tuen Mun at 36.5 degrees, according to the HKO website.

On Hong Kong Island, temperatures in Happy Valley hit 36.3 C, on Hong Kong Island, at 34.8 C and 32.9 C in Stanley.

The WHO said elderly persons, pregnant women, infants and children, those with chronic illnesses like heart disease or high blood pressure, as well as the obese are more susceptible to heat stroke.

Under extremely hot weather, beware of health conditions, ensure adequate rest, maintain a normal body temperature, and avoid overheating of the body, the HKO said.

HKO: 2022 among the sixth warmest on record.

The Home Affairs Department s temporary heat shelters will remain open while the Very Hot Weather Warning is in force, the agency said in a statement.

The Labour Department issued the Amber heat stress warning at 1: 30 PM and encourages employers and employees to take appropriate heat preventive measures to prevent heat stress in some work environments, the Labour Department said.