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Rain and thunderstorms possible in Bosnia and Herzegovina on Thursday


On Thursday, showers and thunderstorms are possible in Bosnia and Herzegovina, mostly in the second half of the day.

The Federal Hydrometeorological Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina of Bosnia and Herzegovina has issued an orange warning for the northern, central and eastern regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Between 20 to 50 liters of rain per square meter can occur in areas with stronger showers.

Today, a light to moderate wind from the north and northeast is expected. Low morning air temperature is usually between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius, in the south of the country, up to 18 degrees Celsius. The highest air temperature in the South of the country is usually between 19 to 24, and up to 28 in the south.

Partly clear in Sarajevo. Rain and showers are possible in the afternoon. The cold air temperature in the morning ranges from 12°C to 12°C. The highest air temperature in the world is around 22 degrees.

Partly clear and still unstable weather in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been announced, the government said on Friday. There is a possibility of heavy rain, showers and thunderstorms across the country. Local showers can be even more abundant. The wind is weak from the north and northeast. The lowest morning air temperature is usually between 10 and 15 degrees, in the south of the country, up to 18 degrees. With a daily air temperature usually between 20 and 25 degrees, the highest temperature in the south of the country is typically between 20 and 25 degrees.

On Saturday, the weather in Bosnia and Herzegovina was mostly cloudy. Local showers and thunderstorms occur throughout the day from the middle of the day to the evening. From the north and northeast, the winds are weak to moderate. Lowest morning air temperature is mostly between 10 and 16 degrees, in the south of the country up to 18 degrees. In the south of the country, the high air temperature is usually between 20 and 26 degrees, and in the south it is up to 28 degrees.

On Sunday, the weather in Bosnia and Herzegovina was mostly cloudy. Local showers and thunderstorms are common throughout the day from the middle of the day to the evening. From the north and northeast, the wind was weak to moderate. The lowest morning air temperature is usually between 10 and 15°C, in the south of the country up to 18°C. The highest daily air temperature is usually between 22 and 28 degrees, according to the FHMZ of BiH.