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Biden to sign debt ceiling bill after bipartisan deal passes


President Joe Biden said he expects to sign the debt ceiling bill after the Senate passed the bipartisan deal, despite 5 Democrats and 31 Republicans voting against it.

Just days before the fast-approaching fiscal deadline to avert a federal default, the upper chamber voted 63-36 to pass the bill late Thursday.

The plan calls for a suspension of the debt ceiling until the end of the following year, establishing fresh spending limits, and changing work requirements for certain federal assistance programs.

Ron DeSantis, the leader of Joe Biden's vacation Presidency, says leadership not about Virtue Signaling butdelivering results This agreement came after weeks of intense negotiations between Biden and House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy. Both Democrats and Republicans have expressed opposition to the final deal, albeit for different reasons.

All of the senators who voted against the bill on Thursday night will be voting for it.

After the bill passed with a majority, President Biden on Twitter said that the bipartisan agreement was a big win for our economy and the American people. In a statement, the president said he looks forward to signing the bill into law and said that No one gets everything they want in a negotiation. Ray Dalio shrugs off debt ceiling deal but Praises bipartisanship: The Middle Held Together Against The Extremists Biden will address the nation on Friday.

Sanders and others of other Democrats were openly opposed to the bill in the Senate today. They have argued that President Biden was giving away too much in the deal.

Republicans also opposed the bill, with prominent opposition lawmaker Ted Cruz critiquing the deal on Twitter. Reckless spending got us into this mess, and this debt limit deal missed the mark to curb Washington's habits, Cruz said.