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Ford files antitrust lawsuit against Blue Cross Shield


Ford Motor Co F has filed an antitrust lawsuit against the insurance provider Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.

The automaker alleged that the insurance company fixed prices and reduced competition in order to increase healthcare costs and bring in astronomical profits. The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for Michigan.

The companies said that Ford was overcharged for the commercial health insurance products it bought from the insurers.

The lawsuit is akin to the class action that settled in part in 2020 for about $2.7 billion. However, Ford opted out of the deal to pursue its claims against the company.

Ford is now seeking to recover three times the actual damages from the company.

The Michigan-based auto giant said it spent more than $500 million on premiums since 2009 and alleged in its 40-page complaint that aimed at curtailing competition among Blue Cross Shield organizations.

The suit contends that the Blue Cross Shield of Michigan was the nation's ninth-largest insurer based on 4.5 million enrollees.