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Japan expands number of foreign workers with Class II visa


On June 9, the cabinet ministers approved a plan to broaden the number of industries covered by a visa for foreign workers with specific skills that effectively allows the holders to reside in Japan indefinitely.

Under the Class II visa, workers currently are limited to two fields, construction and shipbuilding.

The cabinet's plan expands the number of fields, including food and beverage manufacturing, industrial machinery, and agriculture.

The rise, prompted by calls from the business community, allows for permanent residency in various fields for foreign workers.

There are currently two categories for skilled visas.

Passive workers with a Class I visa can live in Japan for up to five years, but can't bring family with them.

The visa application for class II requires mastery of a range of skills. The holders can permanently live in the country by renewing the status, as well as bringing family members with them.

In April 2019, Japan introduced the program to offer residencies for skilled foreign workers, in response to the domestic manpower shortage.

As of March 31, the Justice Ministry reported that the number of Class I visa holders exceeded 150,000, while class II visa workers remained at only 11 percent.