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Teleperformance India 2021: corporate Social Responsibility top priority


Gurugram Haryana India January 11, ANI PRNewswire Teleperformance, a leading provider of outsourced customer experience management and digital integrated business services, celebrated its 20 year anniversary in India by making Corporate Social Responsibility CSR initiatives their top priority.

The company already impacts more than 20,000 lives in India with its Citizen of the World COTW and Citizens of the Planet COTP initiatives, and has pledged EUR 2.5 million over the next three years, reaching 29 cities in India.

Teleperformance has one of the largest multicultural teams in India, consisting of over 75,000 interaction experts serving over 200 clients. The group is committed to enabling businesses to adapt to today's disruptive digital innovations, enhance customer experience, and build long-term growth by leveraging the latest technology with a blend of human touch. Teleperformance has been certified as a Great Place to Work in India eight times, and it is also certified as a Best Workplace for Women by GPTW for the last two consecutive years.

Teleperformers believe that every interaction is an opportunity to make a difference in people's lives, with a concerted focus on CSR initiatives, including minimizing the environmental impact and creating a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Aditya Arora, CEO of Teleperformance India said that Corporate Social Responsibility has been a part of our strategic initiatives that help us make a real difference. Over the next three years, we will make CSR a top priority. Teleperformance believes that 'human touch' is the core of our brand promise, and that is why we are committed to developing sustainably through various initiatives. Our focus is on giving back to the community and creating value for all stakeholders in a simpler, faster and safer manner. Vinod Mehta, Chief Human Resource Officer- Teleperformance India said that Teleperformance's commitment to give back to the community and beyond is manifested in our CSR strategy. It commits to contributing towards a wide range of causes, including positively impacting the lives of underprivileged and visually impaired children, skill development for women, impacting the lives of the elderly, supporting 300 disabled soldiers, and environmental protection. The Citizen of the World COTW initiative aims to make a positive impact on local communities, particularly vulnerable children and their families, through fundraising, in-kind donations, and volunteer work. Teleperformance TEP ISIN - ISIN: FR 0000051807 - Reuters: TEPRF.PA -- Bloomberg: TEP FP a leading global group in digitally integrated business services, serves as a strategic partner to the world's largest companies in many industries. It offers a One Office support model that combines three large, high-value solution families: customer experience management, back office services and business process knowledge services. The Group's 380,000 employees, based in 83 countries, support billions of connections every year in over 265 languages and over 170 markets, in a shared commitment to excellence as part of the Simpler, Faster, Safer process. The mission is supported by the use of reliable, flexible, intelligent technology solutions and compliance with the industry's highest security and quality standards, based on Corporate Social Responsibility excellence. In 2020, Teleperformance reported consolidated revenue of EUR 5,732 million US $6.5 billion, based on EUR 1 $1.14 and net profit of EUR 324 million.

Teleperformance shares are traded on the Euronext Paris market, Compartment A, and are eligible for the deferred settlement service. They are included in the following indices: CAC 40, CAC Support Services, STOXX 600, S&P Europe 350 and MSCI Global Standard. Teleperformance shares are included in the Euronext Vigeo Eurozone 120 index, the FTSE 4 Good index and the Solactive Europe Corporate Social Responsibility index formerly Ethibel Sustainability Excellence Europe index. In India, Teleperformance has evolved from being a leading provider of outsourced business services and transformation solutions. Teleperformance in India offers omnichannel customer experience management, back office services, and transformation solutions for leading global brands across a number of industries.

With more than 75,000 employees serving over 200 clients, Teleperformance in India is committed to enabling businesses to adapt to today's disruptive digital innovations and to long-term growth.

The Indian entity is part of Teleperformance's global workforce of 380,000 employees, which makes it one of the largest multicultural teams providing integrated business services.

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