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Nachdan is the best place to work in 2022: Glassdoor


According to Glassdoor, Nvidia is the best company to work for in 2022, according to multinational technology firm Nvidia.

Nvidia came in with a rating of 4.6 out of 5 among the top 100 largest U.S. employers on Glassdoor's Best Places to Work in 2022, a top spot among the top 100 largest U.S. employers. This is the eighth time the company has found itself on Glassdoor's list.

The average rating of the nearly 2 million employers reviewed on the website is 3.7.

An Nvidia software architect from Santa Clara, California, praised the company saying that the work is both challenging and meaningful. The employee praised the company for the benefits it offers.

Another employee, also from Santa Clara, said that the company is an excellent place to work.

They take great care of their employees, have a wonderful work environment and believe fully in you, a senior GPU architect said.

Glassdoor's 14th Annual Employees Choice Awards helped to cultivate the Best Places to Work in 2022 list, which included technology, retail, finance, biotech and pharmaceuticals, health care, consulting, travel and tourism.

Each year, employees give anonymous feedback on Glassdoor about their job, the environment and their employer.

This year, Glassdoor CEO Christian Sutherland-Wong said employers on the list are listening to feedback from employees in order to put their people first. It is inspiring to see these employers step up during the Pandemic to grow company cultures where employees feel supported and valued in and out of work, Sutherland-Wong said.

There were 40 technology companies on the list, up from 28 in 2021.

In addition to Johnson and Pfizer, six biotech and pharmaceutical employers made it on this year s list, including companies that have been working to control the COVID 19 pandemic over the past two years.

Some companies like Apple, Google, and Bain Company have remained a staple on this list for the last 14 years. The 2022 list is a first for 36 companies, including Rivian, ServiceNow, Visa Inc. and Est e Lauder Companies.

Here are the top 10 best places to work with large U.S. employers:

Glassdoor also breaks down a list of the best places to work for small and medium-sized companies.