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Hong Kong leader calls for probe into university misconduct allegations


A fair and independent investigation would be the best way to deal with accusations of misconduct involving the head of Hong Kong's top university, the city's leader on Tuesday said, warning against further public speculation.

John Lee Ka-chiu, the head of Hong Kong's administration, said he was confident that the school could handle the snowballing saga domestically despite tensions between the president and vice-chancellor Xiang Zhang and the school's governing council.

The HKU council on Monday said it would establish a five-member panel to look into misconduct allegations against Mr. Zhang and report back in 12 weeks for the governing body to consider follow-up action.

''It will be in everybody's interest to have a thorough investigation that will be based on facts, and the whole matter should be handled in a fair and impartial manner,'' Lee said before his weekly meeting with advisers in the executive council.

The University of Hong Kong will set up a panel to examine allegations against a former head of the Hong Kong police force.