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Facebook faces $3.2 billion class action in UK


LONDON: Social media giant Facebook, now known as Meta Platforms, faces a 2.3 billion pound plus US $3.2 billion plus class action in Britain over allegations that it abused its market dominance by exploiting the personal data of 44 million users.

Liza Lovdahl Gormsen, a senior adviser to Britain's Financial Conduct Authority FCA watchdog and a competition law academic, said she was bringing the case on behalf of people in Britain who had used Facebook between 2015 and 2019.

The lawsuit, which will be heard by London's Competition Appeal Tribubal, alleges that Facebook made billions of pounds by imposing unfair terms and conditions that demanded consumers surrender valuable personal data to access the network.

The law firm of Lovdahl Gormsen, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Sullivan, has notified Facebook of the claim.

Facebook said that people used its services because it delivered value for them and that they have meaningful control over what information they share on Meta's platforms and who with it.