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United Steelworkers Union Endorses President Biden Amidst U.S. Steel Acquisition Concerns


The United Steelworkers union, based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has thrown its support behind President Joe Biden in his reelection campaign, citing his commitment to key issues such as retirement security, affordable healthcare, and laws that protect workers' rights. This endorsement comes as Biden openly opposed the proposed sale of U.S. Steel to Nippon Steel of Japan, highlighting the significance of maintaining American control over the company.

With a membership of 850,000 workers across various industries such as metals, mining, and rubber, the USW views Biden as an ally who has consistently advocated for the well-being of laborers. In contrast, the business community and Japan have expressed concerns over Biden's stance against the acquisition, fearing potential repercussions on trade relations, especially given U.S. Steel's Pennsylvania headquarters and the political implications in a key swing state.

In response to Biden's position on the U.S. Steel sale, President Trump also voiced his opposition, asserting that allowing a Japanese company to acquire the American company would have negative consequences. On the other hand, Nippon Steel has defended the acquisition, claiming it would enhance U.S. Steel's operations, benefit union workers, and strengthen national security by bolstering American supply chains. Concerns over the preservation of existing labor agreements add another layer of complexity to the ongoing debate surrounding the proposed transaction.