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Photovoltaics Soar, Coal Collapses, Renewables Rise


In 2023, Bulgaria's energy landscape underwent significant shifts. The electricity generated from photovoltaic plants surged by an impressive 140.92%, reaching 1,558,739 MWh. This remarkable growth was accompanied by a doubling of the installed capacity.

In contrast, coal-fired power plants experienced a sharp decline. Lignite coal plants saw a 45.56% drop in output, while brown coal plants suffered a 50.99% reduction. This collapse in coal-generated electricity contributed to a shift in the country's energy mix.

Nuclear power remained the dominant source, accounting for 43% of the total electricity produced. Thermal power plants held a 29% share, while renewable sources accounted for 18%. Hydropower plants contributed half of the renewable energy output.

Wind power plants also experienced modest growth, with a 5.23% increase in electricity generation, reaching 809,580 MWh. This growth highlights the increasing role of renewable energy sources in Bulgaria's energy future.