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The Case of Norman's E-commerce Platform, and Why You Need to Protect Your Intellectual Property


Norman, an astute entrepreneur, possessed an uncanny ability to identify lucrative business opportunities. He conceived an innovative e-commerce platform that promised to revolutionize the way consumers accessed genuine offers. However, his dreams were shattered when a rival company swiftly copied his idea, capitalizing on his failure to secure intellectual property protection.

Norman's story highlights the importance of intellectual property rights (IPR) for businesses. IPR protection, such as patents and trademarks, safeguards original ideas and creations, preventing unauthorized use or imitation. In Norman's case, a patent would have granted him exclusive rights to his platform, preventing others from exploiting his innovation.

Kenya offers several institutions that provide IPR protection. The Kenya Industrial Property Institute (Kipi) handles trademark and patent registration, ensuring the uniqueness and originality of ideas. The Kenya Copyright Board protects artistic and technological creations, safeguarding against unauthorized duplication.

By leveraging these institutions, Norman could have secured his platform's intellectual property, protecting it from infringement. This would have enabled him to grow his business, access financing, and ensure consumer protection by preventing the distribution of counterfeit or substandard products.