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A Linchpin for Resilience in Kenya's Agricultural Value Chain


Agriculture is a cornerstone of Kenya's economy, contributing significantly to GDP and export earnings. However, the sector faces challenges such as unpredictable weather and market fluctuations, threatening livelihoods and food security.

Despite these challenges, building resilience within the agricultural value chain is crucial. Insurance plays a vital role in mitigating risks and enhancing resilience. Agriculture insurance, for instance, provides financial protection against adverse weather conditions, helping farmers recover from setbacks and maintain their livelihood.

Insurance solutions tailored to other actors in the value chain, such as farm input suppliers, transporters, and agro-processors, also play a significant role in safeguarding against operational risks. Business interruption insurance, for example, can help agro-processors mitigate losses from supply chain disruptions or equipment breakdown.

Beyond risk mitigation, insurance facilitates access to credit for agricultural stakeholders. Lenders are more likely to extend credit to farmers and agribusinesses with insurance coverage, as it reduces their risk exposure.

However, insurance penetration within Kenya's agricultural value chain remains low due to barriers such as low awareness, affordability concerns, and inadequate infrastructure. Addressing these barriers requires concerted efforts from policymakers, insurers, and other stakeholders to promote financial literacy, develop innovative insurance products, and enhance the accessibility of insurance services.

Government support, collaborations between insurers and agribusinesses, and co-creation of insurance products tailored to specific needs are essential for scaling up insurance solutions and building resilience within Kenya's agricultural value chain.