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A Critical Need Unmet, Leaving Patients in Limbo and Communities in Despair


Anelia Blackie, a Mount Gambier resident, faces the prospect of relocating due to her advanced uterine leiomyosarcoma. The lack of radiation therapy services in Mount Gambier forces her to endure arduous five-hour car trips to Adelaide for treatment. Despite financial assistance, the emotional toll and anxiety associated with these frequent journeys weigh heavily on her.

Blackie's cancer has progressed to stage four, and radiotherapy is crucial for pain management in the terminal stages. However, the absence of such services in Mount Gambier would necessitate a permanent move to Adelaide, adding financial and emotional burdens to her already challenging situation.

Hundreds of Mount Gambier residents have joined a petition advocating for radiation therapy services in the region. Deanne Carmody, whose son Scott underwent radiation therapy in Adelaide, emphasizes the importance of home-based treatment for both physical and mental well-being.

Despite previous funding proposals, the establishment of a radiation therapy service in Mount Gambier remains uncertain. The Limestone Coast Local Health Network cites a lack of resources, including qualified staff and specialized equipment, as obstacles. A feasibility study is currently underway to address these concerns.