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Sunny and Warm Weather for Bulgaria and the Balkans



Friday's weather forecast for Bulgaria predicts mostly sunny skies with weak winds in the eastern regions and stronger winds in the western half. Daytime temperatures will rise, reaching highs between 21°C and 26°C, while Sofia will experience temperatures around 21°C. Minimum temperatures will range from 4°C to 9°C, slightly higher in North-West Bulgaria, with Sofia hovering around 5°C.


In the mountains, mostly sunny conditions are expected with some high cloud cover developing in the afternoon. Moderate westerly winds will prevail. Maximum temperatures at 1,200 meters will be approximately 15°C, while at 2,000 meters, temperatures will reach around 9°C.

Black Sea Coast

Along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, mostly sunny skies will persist. A light to moderate wind from the west will blow. Maximum temperatures will range between 21°C and 24°C. The sea water temperature will remain cool at 9°-10°C.

Balkan Peninsula

The Balkan Peninsula will experience mostly sunny weather with high temperatures for the end of March. High cloud cover will increase from the west, bringing with it a new portion of Saharan dust.