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The State's Push for Electric Vehicles to Reduce Electricity Curtailment and Blackouts


The government is placing its bets on the increased uptake of electric vehicles to address the issue of idle power consumption during off-peak times and periods of low energy demand. By encouraging the use of electric cars, officials hope to minimize the need for electricity curtailment, which is a process aimed at maintaining a balance between energy supply and consumption within the system and averting blackouts caused by transmission network failures.

According to the Ministry of Transport, a substantial amount of energy, estimated at 1,357 megawatt hours (MWh) daily, is currently being curtailed, presenting an opportunity to power a significant number of electric buses or motorcycles if harnessed effectively. This excess electricity could provide a viable solution to the issue of demand-supply imbalance, particularly by charging electric vehicles, especially during nighttime periods characterized by low power consumption. The ministry's National E-Mobility Policy underscores the potential impact of e-mobility in utilizing the daily curtailed energy to put numerous electric vehicles on the road, thereby contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions from traditional fossil fuel vehicles.

To facilitate this transition towards electric mobility, Kenya Power is considering the increased demand for electric vehicles as a means to alleviate issues related to overload on the aging transmission infrastructure. Recent instances of national blackouts have been partly attributed to the transmission network's incapacity to manage sudden surges in energy supply, indicating a pressing need for infrastructure upgrades and innovative solutions to mitigate such challenges. By promoting the adoption of electric vehicles, the government aims not only to address electricity curtailment but also to combat climate change by reducing carbon emissions associated with conventional vehicles, aligning with global efforts to promote sustainable transportation alternatives.