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Nairobi's Green Park Bus Terminus Opening Delayed by Dispute


The delay in opening Nairobi's Green Park bus terminus, a project worth Sh250 million, stems from a dispute between matatu operators and the county government. The operators have refused to use the new facility due to disagreements over its operation.

One major issue is the increased passenger fares charged at Green Park. Operators argue that these fares are higher than those in the city center, making it difficult for low-income passengers to use the terminus. Additionally, concerns have been raised about the safety of passengers, as there are no screening procedures in place to prevent pickpocketing.

Another concern is the lack of convenient access to the terminus. Passengers would have to walk a significant distance from the eastern side of the city to reach Green Park, resulting in longer travel times and additional expenses. The terminus also lacks direct connections to other modes of transportation, such as rail, making it inconvenient for passengers traveling to certain destinations.

Despite its capacity to accommodate up to 350 vehicles and process 20,000 PSVs per day, the Green Park terminus remains closed due to the ongoing dispute. The facility was designed to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion, but its operation has been hindered by the unresolved issues between the operators and the county government.