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Musk Launches xAI, an AI Startup to Challenge Tech Giants


Elon Musk, the renowned entrepreneur, has launched xAI, an artificial intelligence startup that aims to challenge established tech giants. The team comprises engineers from prominent US technology firms, including Google, Microsoft, and SpaceX.

Musk, who also leads Tesla, SpaceX, and Twitter, has expressed concerns about the potential risks of AI and the need for regulation. xAI's approach focuses on creating a "maximally curious" AI rather than explicitly programming morality into it. Musk believes this approach will lead to an AI that is "pro-humanity" and seeks to understand the nature of the universe.

The xAI team includes Igor Babuschkin, Tony Wu, Christian Szegedy, and Greg Yang, all of whom have extensive experience in AI research and development. Musk has also registered a firm named X.AI Corp, which is separate from X Corp but will collaborate closely with Twitter, Tesla, and other companies.

xAI is currently seeking experienced engineers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. The company's website indicates that it will hold a Twitter Spaces event on July 14th.