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A Growing Environmental Threat - Addressing Stockpiles, Illegal Dumping, and Regulations


A Growing Challenge

Australia faces a growing problem with used tyres. While recycling and recovery efforts have increased, a significant portion still ends up in landfills or stockpiles, posing environmental and health risks.

In Tasmania, a stockpile of around one million used tyres has been accumulating for over 15 years. This illegal operation highlights the challenges of proper disposal and the lack of adequate processing facilities. Additionally, illegal dumping of tyres, like the incident in Melbourne, adds to the problem.

The lack of a consistent regulatory framework across Australia allows for unprocessed tyres to be dumped in landfills. This needs to be addressed to encourage responsible disposal and recycling. Furthermore, the market for recycled tyre products needs to be strengthened to create demand and drive the value of these materials.

As long as landfills remain a cheaper option for used tyre disposal, the problem will persist. Governments and industry stakeholders need to collaborate to make recycling and repurposing more economically viable.

The used tyre problem in Australia requires a multi-pronged approach. Strengthening regulations, promoting market demand for recycled products, and investing in efficient processing facilities are crucial steps towards a sustainable solution. Only then can Australia effectively address this growing environmental and health challenge.