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The Humanitarian Work of Arnold Dix in Qatar and India


Arnold Dix, an Australian barrister, scientist, and professor in engineering, gained the title of a "silent hero" for his secret humanitarian work in Qatar, where he assisted thousands of migrant workers living in appalling conditions, providing them with necessities like food, passports, healthcare, and even helping women forced into prostitution. Dix, who ran a self-funded humanitarian program in Qatar, chose to keep his efforts clandestine to avoid retaliation from a powerful human-trafficking system in the oil-rich emirate during the lead-up to the 2022 World Cup.

While working on underground safety systems at Qatar's new international airport, Dix witnessed the harsh living conditions of migrant workers and decided to take action to help them, organizing aid, food drops, and training courses through his consultancy company, despite the risk involved. Accompanied by his colleague Victor Gadimoh, Dix remained anonymous for years, afraid of potential threats to his family's safety, until his humanitarian work in both Qatar and India gained public attention. Dix's dedication to helping marginalized groups was further exemplified when he assisted in the rescue of 41 workers trapped underground in India, earning praise for his respectful approach toward the Indian people and culture.

Arnold Dix's selfless acts of kindness and dedication to assisting those in need have left a lasting impact on countless lives, showcasing his commitment to humanitarian causes. His belief in the transformative power of people helping each other serves as a guiding principle in his life, inspiring others to follow in his footsteps in making a positive difference in the world.