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Religious Leaders Condemn Sydney Attack, Call for Peace and Unity


## Religious Leaders Condemn Violence, Call for Peace After Sydney Attack

Following a violent incident at an Assyrian Orthodox Church in Sydney, religious leaders from various faiths have come together to condemn the attack and call for peace. The leaders, representing the Anglican Church, Buddhist Council, Imams Council, Hindu Council, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, and others, signed a joint statement expressing their solidarity and denouncing all forms of hate and violence.

The statement emphasizes that places of worship should be safe havens for prayer and peace, regardless of religious affiliation. It offers prayers for the victims and urges all communities to extend compassion and care. The leaders also condemn the violence directed towards police officers, stating that such actions are unacceptable and contradict the principles of any faith.

They emphasize that religion should never be used to justify violence and call for kindness and respect towards one another. This united stand by religious leaders serves as a powerful message of unity and peace in the wake of this tragic event.

## Prime Minister and Opposition Leader Address the Nation

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Opposition Leader Peter Dutton have both addressed the nation, urging calm and condemning the violence. Mr. Albanese expressed his faith in law enforcement agencies and called on the public to allow them to do their job without interference. He also emphasized that violence has no place in Australia.

Mr. Dutton offered the government his full support and echoed the call for calm, particularly among young people. He stressed that violence is never the answer, regardless of disagreements.

## Increased Police Presence Around Places of Worship

In response to the incident, authorities have announced increased police patrols around places of worship, especially on key religious days. This measure aims to ensure the safety of worshippers and prevent further violence.

## Ongoing Investigation

The investigation into the attack is ongoing, with authorities exploring possible religious motivations. The Australian Federal Police Commissioner and the national intelligence agency chief have briefed the Prime Minister on the progress of the investigation.

This tragic event has shaken the community, but the united response from religious leaders and political figures offers a glimmer of hope. Their calls for peace and understanding serve as a reminder that violence is never the answer and that unity and compassion are essential in overcoming such challenges.