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New Opportunity for UPSC Aspirants from Ditto Insurance


Good news awaits Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) aspirants who narrowly missed passing the civil service examination for 2023. Ditto Insurance, a tech company with the backing of Nithin Kamath's Zerodha, has announced an opportunity for these aspirants to join their advisory team, recognizing the dedication and effort these individuals put into attempting the rigorous UPSC exam. The co-founder of Ditto Insurance, Bhanu Harish Gurram, expressed empathy towards the aspirants who couldn't make it through the UPSC exam this time, emphasizing the immense hard work and preparation that goes into attempting one of the country's toughest tests.

Gurram highlighted the competitive nature of the UPSC exam, where over 1.2 million students participate each year, but only a fraction of them, around 800 applicants, make it to the final list of selected candidates for various civil services posts. Despite the rigorous preparation that students undergo for years, only a small percentage pass the exam annually, underscoring the challenges faced by UPSC aspirants. Gurram encouraged these aspirants to explore new opportunities and assured them that Ditto Insurance has tailored a hiring process specifically for former UPSC candidates, stating that prior work experience is not a requirement for joining their team. The company aims to support these aspirants every step of the way, providing guidance and training from scratch.

The final results of the Civil Services Examination were released by the UPSC on April 16, with 1016 candidates recommended for appointment to various prestigious positions such as the Indian Administrative Services, Indian Foreign Services, Indian Police Services, and Central Services. This development not only offers a new career path for UPSC aspirants who faced setbacks but also sheds light on the recognition and support extended to individuals who strive to succeed in competitive examinations like the UPSC.