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Zoho CEO Warns of Industrialized Agriculture's Dangers


## Sridhar Vembu's Stark Warning on Industrialized Agriculture

Sridhar Vembu, CEO of Zoho, paints a concerning picture of the impact industrialized agriculture has on our health and environment. In a recent post, he highlights the alarming presence of arsenic in rice, pesticides in spices, and the overexploitation of water resources.

Vembu cites a recent incident where a spice brand was banned in Singapore due to the presence of a banned pesticide. This serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers lurking within our food supply. He further emphasizes the need to respect and care for our soil and water bodies, which are being depleted at an unsustainable rate.

"If we don't respect the farmer, if we don't take care of the soil and all its microorganisms, if we don't take care of ponds or lakes and instead keep drilling deeper and deeper for (arsenic laden) water, we will destroy ourselves as a species," Vembu warns.

He underscores the importance of valuing the farmers who provide our sustenance and treating the land and water with reverence. He emphasizes the need to reconnect with nature and adopt more sustainable practices.

The growing number of fertility clinics in Tamil Nadu also raises concerns, prompting Vembu to ask, "let's reflect on why." This points to potential environmental factors impacting fertility and overall health.

Vembu's message serves as a wake-up call, urging us to reconsider our relationship with food production and the environment. We must prioritize sustainable practices and respect the delicate balance that sustains our health and well-being.