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Alipore Zoo Combats Heatwave with Special Care for Animals


Alipore Zoo Combats Heatwave with Special Care for Animals

Kolkata's Alipore Zoological Garden is taking proactive measures to ensure the well-being of its animal residents during the ongoing heatwave. Recognizing the vulnerability of certain species to heatstroke, the zoo authorities have implemented a series of special arrangements.

Air coolers and water sprinkling systems have been installed in enclosures housing animals like bears, monkeys, chimpanzees, and birds, which are particularly susceptible to heat stress.

Water ponds for elephants, tigers, and hippos have been adequately stocked to provide them with ample hydration opportunities.

Regular water spraying on cage roofs twice a day ensures a涼爽的環境 for all animals.

A summer-special diet rich in fruits and juices has been introduced to combat dehydration.

Water-based fruits like watermelon and apples are being provided to supplement hydration.

Elephants are being bathed twice daily in water ponds to help them beat the heat.

Tigers, lions, foxes, and other animals have permanent water tubs within their enclosures and benefit from regular water sprinkling.

These comprehensive measures demonstrate the Alipore Zoo's commitment to the welfare of its animals, ensuring their comfort and safety during the challenging summer months.