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Birthing Services Return to Remote Australian Town After 25 Years, Saving Mothers a Grueling Journey


Birthing Services Return to Remote Australian Town After 25 Years

After a 25-year absence, planned births will resume at Weipa Hospital on Australia's Cape York Peninsula. This will spare expectant mothers a grueling 2,000-kilometer round trip to hospitals in Cairns and Townsville.

The service, set to begin on May 22, is expected to support around 50 births annually from the communities of Weipa, Mapoon, Napranum, and Aurukun, with plans to expand to other Cape York communities.

The hospital's purpose-built birth suite caters to low to moderate-risk births. Notably, its first birth in 25 years was a pre-term baby six weeks ago, delivered through an emergency caesarean section performed by the hospital staff.

The Queensland government is funding advanced obstetric training for willing GPs, opening doors for clinicians interested in working in remote maternity care.