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Kardashian and Harris Discuss Marijuana Policy Reform and Criminal Justice Reform Efforts


Businesswoman and celebrity Kim Kardashian met with Vice President Kamala Harris at the White House to discuss new strategies for addressing marijuana policies. This meeting highlighted President Joe Biden's recent use of clemency powers for non-violent offenses.

Biden pardoned 11 individuals and commuted the sentences of five others, all convicted for non-violent drug-related activities. This move aligns with his broader efforts to rectify past judicial discrepancies. The event featured heartfelt stories from those pardoned, sharing tales of newfound opportunities and personal growth post-incarceration. Kardashian emphasized the importance of amplifying such stories to inspire others in similar situations.

Kardashian has been a vocal advocate for criminal justice reform, notably influencing policy during the Trump administration alongside Jared Kushner. Her efforts have led to significant legal changes and individual pardons, including the high-profile case of Alice Marie Johnson in 2018.

VP Harris announced a new rule from the Small Business Administration, aimed at easing loan restrictions for individuals with criminal records. This policy intends to facilitate reintegration and provide second chances.

The Biden administration has consistently worked towards reducing penalties for drug offenses, notably expanding a sweeping pardon for those convicted of simple marijuana possession. This move resonates strongly with many voters, particularly young and minority groups.

This collaboration between Kardashian and Harris underscores the ongoing reform efforts and showcases the influential role celebrities can play in shaping public policy and social justice.