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Kishida Urges Global Commitment, Highlights U.S.-Japan Partnership in Congress Address


Japan's Prime Minister Addresses Congress, Urging Global Commitment and Highlighting Shared Values

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida addressed a joint session of Congress on April 11, 2024, delivering a powerful message about the importance of global commitment and the enduring partnership between the United States and Japan. His visit coincided with President Biden's completion of hosting each leader of the Quad, an informal partnership crucial for countering China's growing military presence in the Asia-Pacific region.

Kishida acknowledged the "undercurrent of self-doubt" among some Americans regarding their role in the world, but he reminded them of the U.S.'s long history of leadership and sacrifice for a better world. He highlighted the transformation of the U.S. and Japan from bitter enemies to close allies after World War II, emphasizing the U.S.'s role in rebuilding Japan and the shared values that bind the two nations.

He underscored Japan's commitment to global security and human rights, citing its support for Ukraine's defense against Russia and its contributions to humanitarian efforts in Gaza. He also emphasized Japan's role as a key U.S. partner in the face of China's assertiveness and North Korea's nuclear program.

Kishida's address received mixed reactions, with some lawmakers offering standing ovations while others remained seated. This reflects the ongoing debate within Congress regarding the U.S.'s role in global affairs. Despite these divisions, Kishida's message resonated with many, reminding them of the importance of continued partnership and shared values in a complex and challenging world.

He concluded his speech by highlighting his personal ties to the United States, having spent his early childhood in New York City. He fondly recalled American pastimes like attending baseball games and watching "The Flintstones," drawing laughter and applause from lawmakers. This personal touch served as a reminder of the deep and enduring connection between the two nations, a connection that forms the foundation for continued cooperation and collaboration on the global stage.