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Fort fertilizer prices are approaching record highs in Mississippi


Farmers in Mississippi are having to adjust to the rising price of fertilizer.

The Mississippi State Extension Service released a study about how farmers are coping with the approaching record highs in fertilizer prices, according to WCBI-TV.

Jeff Hays, who is in the farm supply business, said Mississippi is an agricultural state. From your production, your co-ops, your tractor dealers, to fuel suppliers. A bag of fertilizer that would have sold for $11 in 2021 is now going for about $19.95 in 2022.

Hays, who has been the manager of Lowndes Farm Supply since 2010, said that the prices doubled, needless to say, our volume of sales in tonnage has dropped off in line with the prices.

According to the Mississippi State study released this month, potash is close to an all-time high of $800 per ton. The main chemicals in fertilizer — nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash — have gone up since spring of 2021 because of the ongoing supply chain disruption.

Larry Oldham, soil specialist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said this is a moment for patience as the storm swirls.

Oldham said that growers trying to make crop decisions for the 2022 season can take steps to limit their costs. Farmers should do careful soil testing to determine fertilizer needs and avoid overapplication, which can help determine fertilizer needs. He said it's important to apply at the best time and in the best way for the highest efficiency.

Hays said that the high prices will lead to farmers buying less fertilizer, which will likely lead to a smaller harvest. He believes that prices could return to normal around June, while the MSU study says it could go until next winter.

The last time fertilizer prices went up was between 2007 and 2008. Hays said that the current fertilizer price per ton has already exceeded those previous numbers.