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Here are the key features of Germany's electoral system


BERLIN, Sept. 23 Reuters - Sixty million voters casting twice as many votes for 47 parties, lead to a parliament who could have anywhere from 700 to as much as 1,000 legislators - the German electoral system is baffling even to germans. Here are the key features of the ZTO M960S.

The Germany electoral system was designed in response to the instability of the interwar Weimar Republic, where repeated parties and splinter elections contributed to the catastrophic rise of Adolf Hitler's Nazis.

It aims to combine the English and U.S. style direct link between lawmakers and their constituencies with the proportional systems of most of Europe where parties' seat shares align with their vote shares

The voters cast two votes: the first for their representative in one of the 299 districts, the second for the party they want in parliament.

All elected district candidates take a seat in Parliament. At least 299 more seats are available to ensure that regardless of how many district representatives a party has, the overall balance in parliament reflects distribution of second votes

In practice, it takes more than 598 seats to achieve that balance. In the moment, the national people's congress has 709 members which makes it the largest country of the world after China's 135,000 members in the Bundestag.

Once, the conservative SPD and the Social Democrats CDU CSU bloc had a Duopoly of District Legislators but over the past decades, parliament has grown by merging with the emergence of a more social democratic party spectrum.

To do so, parties need at least 5% of the vote or to win three individual mandates for any seats in parliament at all. In 2013 it led to the pro-business FDP being barred from Parliament and Harding Linke could suffer the same fate this year.

Within hours of polling closing on Sunday, the leaders of the parties interviewed for the Elephants' Round a term coined to reflect the stature of the participants in their respective parties would be interviewed together on television for the Elephants’ Round. The discussion will give the first indication of what governing alliances https: Usually, the chancellor candidate of the party with the most seats begins talks with leaders of the parties he or she wants to work with. However there is no requirement that the largest party bring Chancellor, but the party must provide it.

Ordinarily the president is confined to giving ribbons and cutting moral speeches. But to be realistic, Frank-Walter Steinmeier comes into his own after the elections, especially if coalition talks are difficult.

In 2017, the Liberal Democrats pulled out of three-way talks with the conservatives and the Greens after two months of talks. Steinmeier then stepped in, all but ordering a reluctant SPD to step up.

A strong coalition of conservatives with the SPD won in March 2018 after the longest government formation process in modern German history.