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Cybercriminals steal money from Ukraine's war


The ongoing war in Ukraine has been a boon for cybercriminals who want to make their own profits from an increase in cryptocurrencies donations to the country, according to Grid News.

In March Ukraine s government unveiled a coin drop, a reward for those who offer free token as an investment incentive, but it usually draws micro-donations from grifters hoping to cash in on the token. The air drop was mysteriously cancelled after twenty-four hours later, but not before scammers unveiled a fake token meant to mimic the one announced by the Ukrainian government. The scam was known as the peaceful world token, showing how cybercriminals swept in during wartime to make an easy buck.

This token is reported to have been used for misleading people into believing that it was sent from a well-known address and may be spam or phishing. It is a good idea to read a warning on the Etherscan platform, an analytics platform for the Ethereum blockchain.

The Ukrainian government has raised over $50 million in digital appeals, but the popularity of these investment appeals has resulted in a proliferation of phishing emails, according to Grid News. Many of the phishing emails asked for criptocurrency payments.

Nick Biasini, head of outreach at Cisco Talos, told Grid News that they were just like Here, run this program but it was an infostealer that steals a lot of information related to cryptocurrencies stuff, credentials. It's going to take and steal whatever it can find on that system. Allan Liska, an intelligence analyst at Recorded Future, told Grid News that there is no downward boundary for these bastards. They will prey on people's good intentions. They will take advantage of everything and everything they can in order to rip people off.