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20% drop in tourist arrivals during rainy days


There has been a 20 per cent decline in numbers over the rainy period compared to good weather days, said Ms Jessie Tan, Marketing Executive at The Alkaff Mansion, run by F&B, lifestyle and hospitality group 1 - Group.

She added that other factors, like the long holiday and people traveling overseas, may have contributed to the drop.

There are limited options when it comes to protecting customers from the rain at the venue that houses three eateries, according to Ms Tan.

We don't have the ability to build our own car park, or any form of permanent shelter here, because people want to come up and they want to admire the architecture of the building. That is a challenge for us in terms of full coverage, full shelter for our guests. She said that the restaurant does what it can to help customers. We provide umbrella service when people are going down to get their Grab private-hire vehicle. She added that some of the al-fresco areas have parasols.

The restaurants said there is little else they can do other than to weather the storm, at least until the monsoon season ends at the end of the month.

A monsoon surge is expected to cause more cool and rainy weather this week, the Meteorological Service Singapore said on Wednesday.