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Chinese lobster sales strong despite supply chain issues


The last year has been rocky due to supply chain issues and worker shortages. American lobster sales in China are strong and showing no signs of slowing down, according to the Associated Press. Especially for Chinese New Year, the seafood item is a popular dish during China's winter months.

Lobster exporters in Maine are still shipping high levels of product to China, even though they have been impacted by the Pandemic.

Exporters can't ship lobsters to the Beijing airport due to restrictions, forcing them to find alternatives like Shenzhen airport. China imports its lobsters from the U.S. and Canada, where the industry is mainly based on the eastern coastline. In the first 11 months of 2021, China imported more lobster than in 2020.

The price of lobster has gone up during the recent seasons, which has contributed to the strong profits of the lobster industry. The cost of lobster in Maine has gone up by a third since last year.

Bad weather in the North Atlantic Ocean has played a role in the price increase. Despite the increased difficulty, fishermen in Maine are still harvesting a good amount of lobster this winter.

While the lobster industry is still very good in the current market, the value of exports will likely not reach the same levels as in 2018 as it was in 2018. The industry's exports totaled over $100 million that year.