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Polluter Pays Principle and RDF System Enhancements to Drive Change


Polluter Pays Principle and RDF System

Sofia residents will see changes in their waste collection fees with the introduction of the polluter pays principle. Mayor Vasil Terziev explained that the new system will mean some residents pay more and others pay less, depending on the amount of waste they generate.

Terziev emphasized that Sofia is not currently facing a waste crisis and has at least two more years to address the issue. He highlighted the need to improve recycling rates, as currently, 90% of waste ends up in landfills with minimal recycling or RDF fuel production. The goal is to reduce landfilling to below 10% and increase recycling to 8-9% by the end of the year.

Another crucial step is to make the RDF system functional. The current plant and its adjacent cells are designed to last for 21 years. However, without incineration of solid waste, the capacity will be exhausted in nine years. With seven years already passed, only two years remain before the system reaches its limit.

These changes aim to improve waste management in Sofia, promoting responsible waste generation and increasing recycling rates. The implementation of the polluter pays principle and the optimization of the RDF system are crucial steps towards a more sustainable waste management approach for the city.