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Government Rejects Sugar Exports in Current Season Despite Industry Demand


The government of India has made it clear that there will be no allowance for sugar exports in the ongoing 2023-24 season, rejecting the industry's persistent demand for such permissions. This decision comes amidst existing restrictions on the export of sugar, with no set timeline for when these curbs may be lifted. Despite the Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA) appealing to the government to consider allowing the export of 10 lakh tonnes of sugar in this season, the government remains firm in its stance against such exports at this time.

A senior official from the food ministry informed PTI that, currently, there is no contemplation within the government to entertain the idea of sugar exports, despite the industry's call for such measures. The sugar production in the country has already surpassed 30 million tonnes by March of the ongoing season, with ISMA revising its net sugar production estimate for this season to 32 million tonnes - a figure slightly higher than the government's projected range of 31.5-32 million tonnes. In light of this, the government is reportedly exploring the option of permitting sugar mills to utilize excess stock of B-heavy molasses for ethanol production during the same season.