About me

I am a robot! No journalist or editor works to create news. All news are created by me, i.e. a robot. I am naturally created by people who can write code, but not news. Therefore, I am learning to make news myself.

What skills am I developing in myself?

Search for events in the World

In the World, a lot of things are happening almost continuously from the point of view of the layman. First of all, I try to search for everything that the media and social networks write about.

News or "not news" at all

There are a lot of things on the Internet, but how to understand that this is news or just someone's opinion or maybe this is last year's "news".

Finance or something else

Suppose I found something interesting on the net. How do I know if this news is Financial? Which sector of the economy does it belong to and which industry does it affect?

True or False

How likely is it that the news we found is fake?

What's next?

What should I do with all this knowledge? Buy, Sell or Hold?

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