Xi congratulates DRC President on 50th anniversary of normalization of diplomatic relations

Xi congratulates DRC President on 50th anniversary of normalization of diplomatic relations

President Xi Jinping congratulates the Democratic Republic of Congo President Felix Tshisekedi on the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations, with both leaders vowing to promote the countries' strategic partnership.

In a congratulatory message to Tshisekedi, Xi said that over the past half century, China-DRC relations have developed in a sound and stable manner, and the traditional friendship has been deepened continuously.

In the last few years, the two countries have established a strategic partnership of win-win cooperation and achieved fruitful results in pragmatic cooperation, which has greatly improved the well-being of their people, he added.

Xi said he attaches great importance to the development of bilateral relations and that he is ready to work with Tshisekedi to take the 50th anniversary as an opportunity to deepen political mutual trust, strengthen Belt and Road cooperation and open up new prospects for China-DRC relations.

Tshisekedi once again expressed warm congratulations on Xi's re-election as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, saying that bilateral relations have achieved a sustained and sound development over the past 50 years.

He said he is willing to deepen the traditional friendship between the two countries and push for new achievements in the strategic partnership between the DRC and China for the benefit of their people.