Australia's national day dividing many people

Australia's national day dividing many people

SINGAPORE: Australia s national day is dividing many people across the country instead of bringing them together.

The date of January 26 commemorates the landing of Britain's first fleet in 1788, but it is also a painful reminder for indigenous communities, many of whom refer to the anniversary as Invasion Day or Survival Day. historians said on Thursday January 26 I think it is deeply divisive and that it is deeply divisive, said Professor Martin Thomas of the Australian National University's School of History. It has terrible connotations for the indigenous people.

To mark that as the national day and a national day surely should be a day of unity and common celebration - you can see why indigenous communities and their many supporters are highly irate. On Thursday, thousands of Australians expressed their unhappiness over the national day with protests in solidarity with indigenous people.

In Sydney, a large crowd gathered at a rally in the central business district, where some people carried Aboriginal flags. Similar protests took place in other Australian state capitals.

These protests have been around the country in various forms over the years, and they are not new.