Chinese astronauts complete spacewalk for 2nd time

Chinese astronauts complete spacewalk for 2nd time

The three astronauts aboard the China's Shenzhou XV spaceship meet another astronaut trio on November 30, 2022. The Shenzhou XV mission crew members recently completed their second spacewalk, according to the China Manned Space Agency. The China Manned Space Agency said that the Shenzhou XV mission crew members carried out their second spacewalk.

In a news release on Thursday afternoon, the agency said mission commander Major General Fei Junlong and Senior Colonel Zhang Lu completed the spacewalk and returned to the Wentian science module. Senior Colonel Deng Qingming, the third crew member, stayed inside the Tiangong space station to provide support, it said.

The agency did not give any information about when the spacewalk took place or how long the spacewalk took place, nor did it discuss the specific tasks performed by the crew.

It was the 10th spacewalk conducted by Chinese astronauts.

ALSO READ: Shenzhou XV astronauts to conduct the first spacewalk

Fei and Zhang conducted the first spacewalk of the Shenzhou XV team on February 9. They completed several tasks during the seven-hour operation, including installing equipment on the space station's exterior.

Fei's team arrived at the station on November 30. The astronauts are expected to remain until May, when the Shenzhou XVI crew is scheduled to take over.

Three astronauts had been inside the space station for 92 days as of Thursday afternoon.

The Shenzhou XV team is tasked with carrying out several spacewalks to mount equipment outside the station, installing scientific cabinets and conducting scientific experiments and technological demonstrations.

The crew has so far assembled several science cabinets inside the Wentian and Mengtian lab modules and supported several cargo orbital deployment maneuvers, according to the agency.

READ MORE: Shenzhou 15 taikonauts complete their first spacewalk

Multiple science projects have been running smoothly inside Tiangong, it noted.

As one of the largest and most sophisticated space-based structures humans have ever placed into Earth's orbit, Tiangong now consists of the Tianhe core module, the Wentian and Mengtian labs, the Shenzhou XV crew spacecraft and the Tianzhou 5 cargo ship.