Prosecutors explain Kajmakovic’s handling of Sky cases

Prosecutors explain Kajmakovic’s handling of Sky cases

At the main hearing in the disciplinary proceedings involving Diana Kajmakovic, witnesses, employees of the State Prosecutor's Office, explained the defendant's actions in the cases related to Sky and Anom and the information received from security agencies.

Dubravko Campara, Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina BiH, said that the cases related to the Sky and Anom applications were obtained in the summer of 2021, claiming that he informed then Chief State Prosecutor Gordana Tadic and her deputy, Ozrenka Neskovic, about this, after which a department was formed to work on these cases.

By replacing Tadic with Milanko Kajganic, he said, the team's change was caused by the removal of Tadic and the arrival of Milanko Kajganic, who appoints Diana Kajmakovic as the head of the Special Department for Organized Crime and makes a decision on the formation of a Department for Sky cases.

Due to the lack of knowledge of the applications, Campara said a meeting was organized with EUROPOL at their headquarters. It was also attended by Kajmakovicand himself, Dzermin Pasic, and Kajmakovicand.

We went to ask for the data to come as quickly as possible. We have arranged for them to be delivered with a security link via the secure information exchange network application SIENA. They were received by the Directorate for the Coordination of Police Bodies and opened using a code. Kajmakovic insisted that she had the code and that she open them, Campara said, stating that this was not usual for the Prosecutor's Office and that Kajmakovic opened the cases with associates and gave one copy to the police agency.

In February, March, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Canton Sarajevo CS informed us that we had a problem with this type of cooperation because the name Kajmakovic appeared. The chief prosecutor is informed about this and this cooperation ends, and we start with inter-police cooperation, Campara said.

While speaking in court, Campara said that he was aware of the search for the safe held by Kajmakovic and that he assumed that there were objects inside. He said that he only knew the part that was delivered to him, stating that it was evidence from the Intelligence and Security Agency sent to him for the case related to Prijedor.

I got it a year late. I received it in March of this year, and it arrived in March 2022, he said, adding: I was not aware that this information had arrived.

On May 2022, Kajmakovic said: I am the boss here, you will bring everything to me to which Plakalovic said it was not such an agreement and that he would pass it on to the Commissioner.

The suspended deputy chief prosecutor of UDT, Diana Kajmakovic, is being charged with three counts of disciplinary actions for using the Prosecutor s office to obtain benefits, interfering with the work of the prosecutors, behavior that harms the reputation of the office, and for other actions that represent a serious violation of official duties or calls into question public confidence in impartiality and credibility.