Air India Express, Air India Express to fly pilgrims to Saudi Arabia

Air India Express, Air India Express to fly pilgrims to Saudi Arabia

For Hajj 2023, the Air India Express and Air India India Express will fly around 19,000 pilgrims from four locations in India to Jeddah and Medina in Saudi Arabia. The first Air India flight of this year's Haff took off from Jaipur at 11: 05 am and reached in Medina at 1: 50 am local time.

From 21 May to 21 June, Air India will operate 46 flights from Jaipur and Chennai to Medina and Jeddah. Air India is preparing to bring back pilgrims from Jeddah and Medina to Jaipur and Chennai in 43 flights from July 3 to August 2 from Jaipur and Chennai.

As many as 5,871 pilgrims will fly from Jaipur on 27 flights, while 4,447 pilgrims will fly from Chennai on 19 flights. The total will be a total of 10,318 passengers traveling from Air India to Saudi Arabia, the airline said in a statement.

Air India Express will be able to operate flights from Kozhikode to Kannur from 4 June to 22 June. A total of 44 flights will be operated by Kozhikode to Jeddah, with 6863 passengers, and 13 flights will be flown from Kannur to Jeddah, carrying 1,873 passengers in the first phase. The first phase of the first phase will result in a total of 8236 passengers being flown by Air India Express, which operates 57 flights.

From July 13 to August 2, Air India Express will fly pilgrims from Medina to Kozhikode and Kannur.

We have taken special efforts to boost our on-ground teams at the relevant airports to ensure special care for all our valued guests on these flights, said Air India's CEO and MD, Campbell Wilson. We are happy to operate Hajj special flights from Kozhikode and Kannur, for the benefit of pilgrims from Kerala, in addition to our scheduled flights to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from Mumbai, Mangaluru, Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Kozhikode and Kannur, Aloke Singh said. With this special initiative from Air India Express and Air India, we are dedicated to guaranteeing a seamless travel experience for our passengers, enabling them to embark on their spiritual journey with peace of mind and undivided focus. The airline has established specialist teams consisting of experienced professionals at all the four stations in India and at Jeddah and Medina to focus on every aspect of departure and arrival. The control centre has been established for constant monitoring and coordination of these flights, which has been established with a dedicated control centre.

Senior citizens have also been made aware of special arrangements that Air India Express and Air India Express provide for the elderly to receive special care and attention. Air India also plans to hand over boarding passes to all pilgrims in a personalized envelope along with other important documents.

The airline will provide colour-coded bags for boarding cards, bright luggage tags to indicate origins and destination, meal boxes during the course of the journey. Zamzam water will be brought on the return flights and stored at the four destinations in India. The holy water will be given to pilgrims once they arrive at their destination.

Medina's airport has also made arrangements for the collection of checks for passengers, who will be delivered 24 hours before departure, the airline said.