Biden adds 43 nations to export control list

Biden adds 43 nations to export control list

The Biden administration added 43 nations to its export control list on Monday, including Frontier Services Group Ltd, a security and aircraft company previously run by Erik Prince, for training Chinese military pilots and other activities that threaten US national security.

The Test Flying Academy of South Africa, which is under investigation by British authorities in Britain for hiring British ex-military pilots to train Chinese military fliers, has also been added to the list.

The listed companies are restricted from receiving US imports for other activities deemed contrary to US interests, such as acquiring US items for China's military modernization.

The new listings also include several aviation companies and flying academies, including Frontier Services Group Ltd in China, Kenya, Laos, and the United Arab Emirates; TFASA units in China, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom; and AVIC entities in China and South Africa.

According to a rule posted to the Federal Register, the aircraft-related companies were listed for providing training to Chinese military pilots using Western and NATO sources.

The companies were listed for enabling China to carry out human rights abuses, including as part of its repression of the Uyghur Muslims and members of other minority groups in Xinjiang, western China.