India's population could surpass children' by mid-century, says UNFPA

India's population could surpass children' by mid-century, says UNFPA

The younger population of India is growing at an unprecedented rate and could surpass the children's population by mid-century, a new UNFPA report said, stressing that the young India will turn into a rapidly ageing society in the next few decades.

India's population is one of the largest in the world, with a population of adolescents and young people.

According to the UNFPA, the share of the elderly population at the national level is projected to increase from 10.1 percent in 2021 to 15 percent in 2036 and 20.8 percent in 2050.

The report said that the elderly population in India is expanding at an unprecedented rate and may exceed the children's population by mid-century.

Wojnar said he spoke to the press about the dangers of censorship.