Bos and Herzegovina struggles to meet their needs

Bos and Herzegovina struggles to meet their needs

According to the majority of citizens, citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina have a difficult time, as well as experts in economics and finance. The government representatives do not care much about the citizens' quality of life, while they are searching for more money in the budget for their needs. The minister of finance of Bosnia and Herzegovina warns that the demands of some institutions are unrealistic.

The institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the minister of finance said, lack 37 million marks. The citizens, as we are told, live hard.

While residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina are struggling to meet their needs, institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina have rising budgetary demands. A budget request was sent to the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of BiH, which, due to the demand of some institutions, amounts to a record 2.8 billion marks, significantly higher than the planned 1.3 billion marks for this year.

SRAN AMIDI, Bosnia and Herzegovina's Minister of Finance and Treasury, speaking at a press conference:

Bosnia and Herzegovina and its citizens need systemically sustainable measures, he said. He cites the proposed set of laws of the government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which states that the minimum wages of Bosnia and Herzegovina would amount to one thousand marks.

The Minister of Finance said the financial stability of the state is not only in his hands but also in the hands of all institutions. He announces relief for citizens in the form of a initiative to exempt him from paying VAT on the first real estate.

The cost of food is so high that the cost of basic foodstuffs has reached astronomical heights. In the first half of the year, inflation rose by almost nine percent compared to the previous year, according to statistics. In reality, these figures state that even the most basic items have become unaffordable for many Americans, and the number of food thefts in markets and retail chains is also seen as a result of the increasing number of food thefts.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, poverty has become a new dimension. In addition to those who beg on the street and search containers for a bite of stale bread, there are also a growing number of citizens who steal food, canned goods, meat and pate from retail chains. This is particularly visible in the winter, according to police.

Images from stores across Bosnia and Herzegovina show that food theft has really taken off. The buzzers are placed on butter, preserves, jams, and other foods by traders.

Consumer Association says Jovan Vasilic.

Food theft is a sign of a serious crisis, according to a sociologist Drago Vukovi.