Thatcher's policy guru calls for free education

 Thatcher's policy guru calls for free education

Margaret Thatcher's policy guru, Margaret Thatcher, says children should be taught how to set up their own businesses. Sir John Redwood called for career advisers to teach young people about the advantages of working for themselves as an alternative to seeking a job with a big employer. It's a package of measures to promote entrepreneurship backed by the former cabinet minister, who headed Lady Thatcher's Downing Street policy unit. Sir John also called for the government to back free enterprise by cutting corporation tax.

He will warn that the UK's education system encourages graduates to look for jobs in large companies, the public sector, professions or charities. The advantages freedom can bring the traditional advantages of the job in government or large firms together, according to the paper. Sir John warns that changes to taxation are needed to revive the UK's stagnant economy and back Lady Thatcher's vision of a free enterprise nation.

This includes cut corporation tax from 25 percent to 15 percent, raising the VAT limit to £250,000 so that more smaller firms are exempted and cutting energy taxes to boost the country's waning manufacturing sector. Sir John Cameron, who chairs the Government of England, said: We will only get inflation down decisively if the UK invests in more capacity. To grow more food, produce more energy, and make more goods, we must grow more food, produce more energy, and make more goods. He called for an end to 'unnecessary and dysfunctional spending' by the government, and asked Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to cancel the northern leg of the HS2 high speed rail line, due to running between Birmingham and Manchester. Downing Street has refused to comment on reports that this section of the line could be scrapped, leaving just services between Old Oak Common on the western outskirts of London and Birmingham.