Millions of Britons on some DWP benefits not to get a new cost of living payment

Millions of Britons on some DWP benefits not to get a new cost of living payment

Millions of Britons on certain mean-tested benefits will receive a £300 cost-of-living payment in a few weeks' time, however, there are a number of benefits that will not receive the cash boost. The payment will be made by automatic between October 31 and November 19 onwards. This is the second instalment of a £900 payment going out to people on certain benefits with the third instalment to arrive in spring next year. The first payment of £301 was made available to bank accounts between April 25 and May 17. However, it's important for people with DWP benefits to be aware that not everyone will qualify for the means-tested cost of living payment.

Guidance on GOV.UK states that people claiming New Style Beschäftigung and Support Allowance, Contributions-based ESA and New Style Jobseeker's Allowance will not be eligible for the £300 payment because these are not income-related benefits. full list of benefits not qualify for the one-off cost of living payment:

When will the next cost of living payment be made?

The Child Tax Credit is paid by HMRC if no other DWP means-tested benefit is also claimed. What other assistance is available? pensioners who are eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment in 2023/2024 will receive an extra $150 or $300 on top of their normal payment later this year. The government has also poured a whopping £842m into the Household Support Fund pot of cash, which councils are giving out to local residents.