Most common ISA misconceptions emerge

Most common ISA misconceptions emerge

With reduced interest rates and frozen allowances affecting more individuals, ISAs are becoming a tax-efficient investment option for many individuals. Shawbrook Bank has seen a dramatic increase in cash ISA accounts by 73 percent from January to May 2023 compared to the same period last year. While these accounts remain a popular option amongst Britons, there are a few misconceptions about how they work. Rob Morgan, chief investment analyst at Charles Stanley, said: Despite their popularity and having existed for more than two decades, there is clearly much confusion about how they work.

Charles Stanley, research chief, said nearly three-quarters don't know what a flexible ISA is, with more than a quarter having never heard of one. Up to 11 percent of people think it allows them to increase their ISA contribution, while 20 percent of them think it allows them to exchange their cash ISA to a stocks and shares ISA or vice versa. It allows nine percent of them to transfer their ISA to someone else. Express Money spoke to experts about the most common ISA misconceptions, conducting research on the most common ISA misconceptions. There are 19 percent of survey respondents who believe people can only have one ISA at a time.

Rowan Harding, the financial planner at Path Financial, said: People can have as many ISAs as they want and spread their £20,000 tax-free personal allowance across these. He added that you have the flexibility to split your tax-free allowance across as many ISAs and ISA types as you wish. If you invest £10, you can invest in a Stocks and Shares ISA and the rest of the money in a Cash ISA. It is a helpful option for those who want to use their investment for different purposes and over varying periods of time, he said. Up to 16 percent of savers find themselves confused about the annual contribution rules of ISAs, most relevantly thinking they can use last year's allowance to save even more tax-free this year.

' Flexible' ISAs are available by some providers, which not only allows withdrawals but also enable savers to replace the money without losing any of their annual allowance. Sneddon said: It's an excellent way to maximize your allowance, easily access your cash when you need it, and easily replace the money back into the ISA before the end of the tax year. Up to 17 percent of savers believe ISAs are the only tax-efficient savings option.

While ISAs are often the first port of call for investors looking to save tax, pensions are'more tax efficient than ISAs' for many people, experts at Charles Stanley have said. s no tax on gain or income on investments in a pension, Mr. Stanley said. While there can be tax to pay when you take money out, and you have to wait until retirement age to do so, they tend to be highly advantageous for those investing for a comfortable retirement. People get taxed on any interest earned within an ISA - nine percent of people believe interest earned within an ISA gets taxed. t taxable and there is no capital gains tax to pay on profits, he said.