Woman trapped in bank accounts for months

Woman trapped in bank accounts for months

The woman was stunned to discover that three bank accounts had closed down, leaving her without access to the money. Lyn is the part-time manager and company security for The Limes - a sheltered housing scheme for vulnerable elderly residents in Suffolk. Banks are closing down bank accounts 'without any reason given or a way to appeal,' she said. Lyn has struggled to get her community bank accounts updated, so she visited her branch for months to update them. My account was closed and I went in to make some payments and to update all the administrative part of it because I had changed some names on my company house just to find out our accounts had been closed.

What was it that I thought it was? No, I found that we had been shut down. Since the accounts were closed, Lyn couldn't access them and had no idea where they were. She fears that the organisation could also close because there's no way to pay any of the standing orders, meaning she can't pay any suppliers e.g. The refuge collection includes insurers, gardeners, and the refuge collection.

That's only income and with that money, I buy the things to keep the organisation running. t, so they closed all accounts on September 7. Barclays said they had'made no mistakes' in dealing with Lyn, but said following the Money Box enquiry they decided to re-open the account on September 25. Lyn has made it clear that they must provide the details they need or their accounts will be closed again.