Water Main Leak Shatters Renovation Dreams

Water Main Leak Shatters Renovation Dreams

In the early hours of a May morning two years ago, Jackie Brayford was awakened by a thunderous sound that resembled a gunshot within her Launceston home.

The cause of this incident traced back to a water main leak that had started the previous month, eventually rupturing and gushing water for 24 days. The Brayfords, who had nearly completed a 15-year renovation project, found their dreams shattered as the house's foundation cracked due to the water damage.

Faced with the dilemma of either waiting years for the house to stabilize or demolishing and repairing the affected area, the couple has already spent a significant sum on legal fees and reports.

Compounding their frustration, TasWater, the state-owned utility company responsible for the water main, has denied responsibility for the damage, placing the burden of proof on the Brayfords.

Jackie Brayford described the heartbreaking ordeal of discovering new cracks daily and enduring the challenges of living in a damaged home.

In pursuit of justice, the Brayfords have sought support from local members of parliament, including Rosemary Armitage, who expressed her bewilderment at the protracted delay in resolving the issue.

With their dream of completing the renovations dashed, the Brayfords have decided to sell their home in its current state, informing potential buyers of the existing defects. This decision marks a bittersweet end to their long-cherished renovation journey.