Punjab Government Acquires Thermal Plant to Boost Power Generation and Save Costs

Punjab Government Acquires Thermal Plant to Boost Power Generation and Save Costs

Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal recently dedicated the Sri Guru Amar Dass Thermal Plant to the people of Punjab. The plant was purchased from a private company, GVK Power, at a cost of Rs 1080 crore. This marks a significant shift in the state's approach to power generation, as it is the first time that the government has purchased a private power plant.

In the past, state governments often sold their assets to private individuals at low prices. However, under the leadership of Chief Minister Mann, the Punjab government has reversed this trend and purchased a private power plant to ensure that the state has reliable and affordable power. The Sri Guru Amar Dass Thermal Plant has been renamed after the third Sikh Guru, and it has a capacity of 61 percent. In the past, it was only used at 34 percent of its capacity. However, the government plans to increase the utilization rate to 75-80 percent, which will significantly boost power generation in the state.

In addition to increasing power generation, the purchase of the thermal plant is expected to reduce the overall power tariff by over Rs 1 per unit. This will save the state Rs 300-350 crores on power purchases, which can be used to benefit electricity consumers and invest in other development projects. Moreover, the plant will have a positive impact on employment generation in Punjab, as it will create new job opportunities for the youth of the state. The operationalization of the Sri Guru Amar Dass Thermal Plant is a significant milestone for the state of Punjab, as it will help to ensure a reliable, affordable, and sustainable power supply for the people of the state.