Discrepancy in Immigration Monitoring Restrictions

Discrepancy in Immigration Monitoring Restrictions

Following a High Court ruling last year, 149 people were released from immigration detention. Despite government assurances that protecting the community was a top priority, only 103 of these individuals were subjected to all of the restrictions, including electronic monitoring.

Shadow Immigration Minister Dan Tehan questioned Immigration Minister Andrew Giles about the disparity, asking why some individuals were exempted from wearing ankle bracelets. Giles attributed the decision to the Community Protection Board, which evaluates each case individually.

The government had previously declined to provide details on why the individuals were initially detained. However, recent disclosures revealed that over half had violent or criminal convictions, including assault, kidnapping, and even murder.

Since their release, 18 individuals have been charged with offenses in various states and territories. In one instance, a man was accused of indecently assaulting a woman in an Adelaide motel shortly after being released.

The government introduced new legislation last year to impose community safety supervision orders, allowing for up to three years of imprisonment if an individual is deemed likely to commit another serious crime. However, no applications have yet been made to the courts.